Hello my Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian Family, Yes it is I. It seems like it has been forever since I have last posted (and indeed it has been). I have been doing some blogging just not on this particular blog. I have a website that I just started up and I have been doing some blogging there. Also I have another Blog on Blogger also. I also have a family blog that I have been working on too. Needless to say, I have not been very proactive on informing you on this information highway. So with that being said, I am committing myself to keeping this blog and my website updated. I must get organized with everything that is going on. I love writing and sharing with others. I just needed to concentrate on where to do that at. Now that I have that resolved, lets get down to business.
Let me update you on a few things that are going on in my life right now, as well as some awesome RAW food that I have been eating. I have moved from Sunny Arizona to HUMID Arkansas! My Awesome Hubby's job relocated us and I do feel that it is for the best. I am excited at all the opportunities that I will have to share, educate, and create in regards to the RAW vegan lifestyle. A gentleman who was helping us with some work around the house said he had never heard of RAW vegan food before. He said "you should open up a little cafe' or something, I would come sometimes, though I am not saying I would go totally RAW vegan or anything" LOL!! That got me happy. Not because he said that he would come to a cafe' if I opened one but at the prospect that he was open to hearing what I had to say. He was willing to give something he had never heard of a try. Family, I am LOVING what I am and what I do. So The Raw Twinkie is about to RAWK Little RAWK Arkansas!
Another thing that I have started while here in RAWRKANSAS (Can you tell I love playing with RAW), is a garden. I have never had one before but have always wanted one. I am so grateful for a beautiful backyard up on which to create nourishment for my family and myself. Please keep in mind that I am an amatuer at gardening. I became ecstatic when I saw the seeds start germinating and green started peeking out from the earth. I could not contain myself last on Wednesday when I woke up and looked outside and saw life coming forth. I had to make my AH (awesome hubby) get up and take a look.
I planted some zucchini, squash, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, spinach, cabbage, romaine lettuce, bibb lettuce, purple hull peas, mint, thyme, sage, basil, rosemary, and oregano. (the basil, rosemary, and oregano are in pots and they were plants). I am so grateful to be able to eat something that came from my backyard. It feels so good to be able to know where my food is coming from.
I have also been to our farmers market here and it is AWESOME. Buying local is truly the next best thing to growing your own food. I have meet some really nice people there and the vegetables and fruit are off the chain. I was so happy about going to the farmers market, I took along my video camera (please excuse the video quality, I am learning to use the camera). LOL! It is great to get to know the people who are also growing the food you are eating. I say if you cant get to a farmers market, see if you can join your local CSA. That way you can still get your food local.
Wow, that is a lot of information for now... I will share more with you on Wednesday. I have a couple of exciting recipes to share as well. Oh, I almost forgot....I can not leave you with out a recipe, now could I? This dessert is absolutely delicious!

Makes 2-4 servings
1 1/2 of coconut milk (blend 1 cup coconut water and 1 cup coconut flesh together)
1/2 to 1 cup of cashews, soaked
1/2 cup of Agave
1/2 teaspoon of orange zest
1/2 cup of raw cocao powder
1/8 teaspoon of fine sea salt
In a high powered blender begin by combining the coconut water and coconut flesh to make your milk. Once it has a milky consistency add your cashews. Blend until your cashews have become nice and smooth. Then add your remaining ingredients and blend until it has a creamy texture. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for about an hour. Then serve.
You can serve this just as it is in a nice glass or add some RAW granola, or fruit in between layers, or you can put them in freezer popsicle containers for a nice cold treat. The name of the game is enjoying yourself. I know I am!
Many Blessings!
TwinkieR* A.K.A. The Raw Twinkie