RAW NEWS FRIDAY!! "Raw and Uncut"

by TwinkieR
Hello My Vegetarian, Vegan, and RAW Vegan Family!!!
Much love and Blessings to you on this wonderful Friday. It is very rainy here in Arkansas this morning but I am enjoying it. We didnt get much rain in Arizona so for me it is welcomed. I just hope my garden can tolerate it (you know I am a newbie at gardening). My hubby is off today so I am expecting a great day all the way around (Yay, me)! ;-)
Well since it is VeganMoFo, I thought I would devote my Fridays to showing love and support to my family as well as informing people of what is going on in the Raw and Vegan food world. If I miss anything going on, let me know (twitter or FB) and I will make sure to show you some love. I pray that my posts on Friday will give some people encouragement to try some new things to promote their health. PLUS, to have some fun because eating healthier AWESEOME!
Some of this information is a recap of what went on this week as well as upcoming details of some events, products, reviews, and anything that I think should be known.

Congratulations are in order for a beautiful Raw Goddess, Kristen Suzzane of Kristen's Raw
http://kristensraw.blogspot.com/ . Kristen is expecting a wonderful bundle of joy. I am so excited for her. Check out her blog, you will be so glad you did! Kristen, Get some rest and enjoy your alone time with hubby because once the little one is here......Raw Energy will be needed! Smooches....

Now for those Rockstars out there, (you know who you are) Philip McCluskey

I also want to give a shout out to the grand opening of the resteraunt/shop/educational facility- 105 Degrees! I so wish I could have attended that event. I know it was absolutely MARVELOUS!! I have seen so many pictures and video's of the celebration and I know that a great time was had by all. I guess I am going to have to take a trip to Oklahoma City (I will blog about that experience when I go) really soon. Man, I am going to book that trip after this blog post. LOL!! In the meantime, check out their site at http://105degrees.com
I am sure that there are many other things that are happening in the Raw Food World but I thought I would give you a taste of what Raw News Friday will be about. If you have something awesome coming up or going on, email, FB, or Twitter me. I am sure the family would love to know what is going on.
Until next Friday...Many RAW Blessings to you! Kisses....
TwinkieR* A.K.A. The Raw Twinkie
TwinkieR* A.K.A. The Raw Twinkie
Enjoyed your post! Can't wait for your Friday post. :)
Hey Evelyn, I thank you for the post. Do you mind if I blog about you in my next post on Friday? Also thanks for adding your online store. I had one up I just never put it on FB. Everyone in my family always asks me where did I shop for my items that I cant live without and I always just give them the link. You are awesome.